8th National Harm Reduction Conference: Harm Reduction Beyond Borders

The content below is from the site's 2010 archived pages.

The 8th National Harm Reduction Conference will bring together approximately 2,000 drug users, ex-drug users, researchers, sex workers, social workers, doctors, politicians and community organizers from around the country and abroad to share perspectives on Harm Reduction.

The National Harm Reduction Conference is the only multidisciplinary gathering in the United States focusing on the health of individuals and communities impacted by drug use. The purpose of the conference is to inspire and explore new perspectives on incorporating Harm Reduction into direct services, public policy and individual lives.

This year’s lifting of the ban on federal funding for syringe exchange promises for a renewed and dynamic collaboration between public health officials and grassroots organizations. This is an opportunity to uphold the right to health and dignity of this marginalized community. We hope you will join us in Austin, Texas in our efforts to combat these public health emergencies and implement real and lasting change.

Renaissance Hotel
Austin, Texas
Dates: November 18 – 21, 2010
Sponsor: Harm Reduction Coalition
Audience: Treatment Providers
Type of Event: Workshop
Registration Fees: $388.80

Event Description

Principles of harm reduction: what defines harm reduction in your agency or in your advocacy? Harm reduction efforts in Latin@, African American and Native American communities Successful service program models including: urban and rural/non-urban settings, culturally specific services, cross-modalities, long-term sustainability, etc. User-to-user interventions, education, organizing and advocacy History: changing the dialogue around harm reduction and identifying future strategies Practical interventions for methamphetamine and crack cocaine users Community dynamics: the shifting roles of community based organizations, faith based groups and health departments in funding and public policy New research on drug use, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, syringe exchange and harm reduction Methadone and buprenorphine information and advocacy Spanish language workshops Social marketing: targeting drug users and communities with vital information Community impact of drug law incarcerations and prison issues for drug users and People Living with HIV/AIDS Improving drug treatment outcomes Harm Reduction Strategies in LGBTQ Programs Redefining the user: advocacy and programs that combat stigma and remove barriers that create harm How to start and maintain a syringe exchange program Mental health counseling Women and substance use Opiate overdose prevention and response Criminal justice involvement and its impact on communities of color Incorporating harm reduction practices in the coordination of mental health services




  • Principles of harm reduction: what defines harm reduction in your agency or in your advocacy?
  • Harm reduction efforts in Latino, African American and Native American communities
  • Successful service program models including: urban and rural/non-urban settings, culturally specific services, cross-modalities, long-term sustainability, etc.
  • User-to-user interventions, education, organizing and advocacy
  • History: changing the dialogue around harm reduction and identifying future strategies
  • Practical interventions for methamphetamine and crack cocaine users
  • Community dynamics: the shifting roles of community based organizations, faith based groups and health departments in funding and public policy
  • New research on drug use, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, syringe exchange and harm reduction
  • Methadone and buprenorphine information and advocacy
  • Spanish language workshops
  • Social marketing: targeting drug users and communities with vital information
  • Community impact of drug law incarcerations and prison issues for drug users and People Living with HIV/AIDS
  • Improving drug treatment outcomes
  • Harm Reduction Strategies in LGBTQ Programs
  • Redefining the user: advocacy and programs that combat stigma and remove barriers that create harm
  • How to start and maintain a syringe exchange program
  • Mental health counseling
  • Women and substance use
  • Opiate overdose prevention and response
  • Criminal justice involvement and its impact on communities of color
  • Incorporating harm reduction practices in the coordination of mental health services


We are grateful and proud to have the contribution of notable organizations like Bob Sakayama's TNG/Earthling, Inc. providing tech and search support for this and other websites. This is the same organization that is currently providing pro bono technical and SEO assistance to The Mental Health Foundation USA, and the Web Archive Project. They are also responsible for the restoration and archiving of this historic platform, and many others like it.


November 21, 2010
Dear Friends,

On behalf of the entire staff and board of directors of the Harm Reduction Coalition I would like to thank all of you for attending the 8th National Harm Reduction Conference.

Special thanks to the speakers, exhibitors, local organizing committee, child care providers, reiki practitioner, moderatos, evaluators, yoga teacher, reverend, A/V technicians, C.E.U. providers, fashion show organizers, film festival organizers, models, poets, soccer players, trivia gurus, directors, film makers, AA, NA, substance use management group facilitators, lounge organizers, altar decorator, and all of you who worked so hard to make sure the event went smooth providing everyone with a unique educational and fun experience.

I would like to encourage speakers to send us their presentations to be posted on the website. Attendees can also e-mail presenters (contact information in abstract booklet) to inquire about their presentations.

In a few weeks we will begin to work on the 9th National Harm Reduction Conference, the conference will take place downtown Portland Oregon, please begin to think about your presentations, volunteer hours and/or how you would like to be a part of it. For starters we will be looking for program committee members to review and provide input relating to abstracts we will receive. We will need exhibitors to showcase their agencies, services and products. We are also looking for financial sponsors and donors and last but not least we will be creating very soon a local organizing committee to assist us with CEUs, and other local needs. Atending the conference to learn and share is just as valuable, all I would like is for you to be there.

So, please save the date November 15-18, 2012 and plan to be there. If you promise to be there, I will promise you another great event!

Feel free to send us your pictures for the website.
See you again in Portland Oregon!

Paula Santiago
National Community Organizer /
Conference Organizer

Excerpts from HARM REDUCTION Communication Issue Fall 2011, Number 16

The National Harm Reduction Conference challenges us to be truly honest with ourselves and with each other about the parts of this work that are difficult, rewarding, painful, and inspirational.

It’s been eight years since our last issue of Harm Reduction Communication was released, and twice that long since the first issue in 1995. Whether or not you’ve read Communication before, I encourage you to check out the archives (issuu.com/harmreduction). As we re-launch Communication, we’re excited to use this issue as both a celebration of our 2010 National Harm Reduction Conference held in Austin, Texas and as an invitation to join us for the next conference in Portland, Oregon from November 15-18, 2012! Like Communication, our biannual conference aims to amplify voices that have traditionally been marginalized or left out. The conference is a space for all who care about harm reduction and the impact of drugs and drug use to come together and share their experiences, meet new people, remember those we’ve lost, and build hope for moving forward. It’s also like a homecoming for many folks – a reunion with friends and allies from around the country. One person I spoke to mentioned that she not only attended the conference for the information and speakers, but also to visit with several associates that she met at the previous conference where relationships had developed into long distance friendships. Not only were they work related friendships, but had also become more personal to the point were they were exchanging child raising tips, and best site's online to buy a variety of things including kids golf clubs. It was this conversation where I learned that it is important to select junior golf clubs based on a child's height and age should only be used as a guide. And tht there are childrens' golf clubs for left handed as well as right handed players, just as there are for adults! Well, as you can see not all conversations were just conference related!

HARM REDUCTION Communication Fall 2011, Number 16

Some of the Abstracts

Here is a Complete List of Accepted Abstracts. Any Questions Please Contact Paula Santiago at santiago@harmreduction.org

A.T. Martin, Seattle Counseling Services for Sexual Minorities, Seattle, WA, ;
Presentation: Got Points? Social Network Harm Reduction Among Gay/Bi Crysal Users in Seattle, WA.

Adam Hughes, A Hope Boston Needle Exchange, Boston, CA
Presentation: Opiate Overdose Prevention Strategies Through Local Coalition Building

Ajani C. Benjamin, Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, New York, NY
Presentation: Health Services at Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

Alessandra Ross, California Department of Health / Office of AIDS, Sacramento, CA
Presentation: Responding to Objections to Harm Reduction

Alex H. Kral, Kara L. Lynch (co–author), Steven S. Dominy (co–author), and Jonathan Graf (co–author) RTI International, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Levamisole–Adultered Cocaine and Severe Agranulocyotsis/Vasculitis

Alice Bell, Alex Bennett, Prevention Point, Pittsburgh, PA
Presentation: If I Would Have Had This Training A Year Ago, My Daughter Might Be Alive Today: Overdose Prevention in the Allegheny County Jail

Sam Ulrich, RTI International, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Working Towards a Practice of Care for Community–based Research Staff: Professional Development as a Burnout Prevention Strategy

Alya Briceno, Emily Gaikowski, Jennifer Jain, Delia Sandoval, Laura Thomas, San Francisco State University, Health Education Department, and Drug Policy Alliance, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Public Safety Concerns in the Tenderloin District, San Francisco, CA: Community Perception about a Supervised Injection Facility

Amanda Reiman, Berkeley Patients Group, Berkeley, CA
Presentation: Moving Beyond Safe Access: The Patient as Informed Consumer

Amanda Saake, Common Ground Community, Bronx, NY
Presentation: Ending Homelessness: One Step at a Time

Ambritt Myers–Lytell, New Haven Health Dept AIDS Division, New Haven, CT
Presentation: Home Delivery in Syringe Exchange

Amy Druker, Kate Kenney, South Riverdale Community Health Centre and The Jean Tweed Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Presentation: Mothers, Child Custody Loss, Grief and Hope for Change: The Grief and Loss Education and Action Project

Amy Winebarger, Jen Plummer, Harm Reduction Therapy Center, Oakland, CA
Presentation: You're Never Too Old To Practice Harm Reduction

Ana Kosok, Moderation Management, New York, NY
Presentation: Theories of Alcohol Dependance and Their Relation to Treatment

Ana Stefancic, Larissa Hul, Co–Presenter,Pathways to Housing, New York, NY
Presentation: Integrating the Housing First–Harm Reduction Model into the Alternatives to Incarceration Program: Research Implications for Practice

Andrea M. Lopez, Alliance for Saving Lives/Urban Health Program RTI International, Alliance for Saving Lives, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Organizing a Safer Injection Facility in San Francisco: Barriers and Strategies in a Climate of Budget Crisis

Andrew Tatarsky, Harm Reduction Psychotherapy and Training Associates, New York, NY
Presentation: The Central Importance of Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (HRP) Around the World

Tatarsky, Harm Reduction Psychotherapy and Training Associates, New York, NY
Presentation: Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP): An Update

Andrew Little, Church Within A Church, Schenectady, NY
Presentation: LGBTQ Teen Suicide: An Avoidable Tragedy

Anne Siegler, NYC Department of Health and Metal Hygiene, New York, NY
Presentation: Harm Reduction Collaborations in a Local Government Context

Anup Kumar Bosu, Save the Children USA, Bangadesh
Presentation: Sexual Acts with Multiple Sex Partners is an Upcoming Threat for Rapid Transmission of HIV Among Injecting Drug Users in Bangladesh

Arien Muzacz, Mediha Kosovrasti, co-authors, Meighan Rogers, Alexis Kowalski, NYC Dept of Health & Mental Hygiene/Jamaica Health Center, Jamaica, NY
Presentation: Integrating Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) with a Harm Reduction Approach in New York City STD Clinics

Barbara Tempalski, National Development & Research Inst., Inc. New York, NY
Presentation: Persistence of Low Drug Treatment Coverage for Injection Drug Users in Large US Metropolitan Areas

Barry Zevin, Tom Waddell Health Center, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Harm Reduction Treatment of Chronic Pain in Substance Users: A Bio–Psycho–Social–Spiritual Approach

Bart Majoor, St. Ann's Corner of Harm Reduction, Bronx, NY
Presentation: Safe Injection Facilities of New York

Becki Brooks, INPUD, Tulsa, OK,
Presentation: Power in Numbers

Benjamin Shepard, New York College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Harm Reduction as Pleasure Activism

Brendan Kiley, The Stranger, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Levamisole Contamination of Cocaine in Seattle: A Pilot Study of Prevalence Using the DanceSafe Levamisole Test Kit

Bruce Trigg, Rose Lopez, and Mary Murphy, New Mexico Department of Health, Albuquerque, NM
Presentation: 2010 NMDOH Buprenorphine Project Experiences and Outcomes

Celia Sampayo Perez, Harm Reduction Therapy Center, Oakland, CA,
Presentation: Aspectos Culturales y Linguisticos de la Psicoterapia de Reducción de Daño

Chantel Marshall, Toronto's Research Group on Drug Use, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Presentation: Integrating New Media into Harm Reduction Campaigns

Chief Mark Spawn, Mary Ellen Cala, Maxine Phillips, New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, New York State Dept. of Health, New York, NY
Presentation: Reconceptualizing and Marketing Syringe Access to Law Enforcement

Chris Heneghan, Thomas McNally, Maria Yates, Windham Harm Reduction Coalition, Willimantic CT
Presentation: The Stigma of History Coming out Harm Reduction in a Hostile Town

Christopher Smith, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: Social-spatial Stigmatization and the Contested Space of Addiction Treatment: Remapping Strategies of Opposition to the Disorder of Drugs

Christopher Smith, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: The Politics of Addiction: Harm Reduction as Anarchist Practice

Christopher Welsh, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Presentation: A Novel Approach to Help Reduce Overdose and Non- Medical Use of Prescription Drugs

Cindy Eigler, The Correctional Association of New York, New York, NY
Presentation: An Assessment of Substance Abuse Treatment in New York State Prisons: From Screening to Discharge

Clancy, L, Hallum, T, Safer Alternatives thru Network & Education (SANE), Sacramento, CA
Presentation: Linking Satellite Exchanges to the Rest of the World, Can It Be Done?

Clara Dudley, Sarah Best, Street Outreach Supporters, Santa Cruz, CA
Presentation: Grassroots Syringe Exchange in the Economic Crisis

Claudia Rodriguez, Street Outreach Supporters, Santa Cruz, CA
Presentation: Accessing CBA Services to Strengthen Existing HIV Programs w/Substance users Not in treatment

Colleen Flanigan, New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, Albany, NY
Presentation: A Model for Implementing Viral Hepatitis Services at Syringe Exchange Programs

Coreena Hendrickson, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Presentation: Drugs and Alcohol: Helping Those Who Hurt, Hurting Those We Help; Working with Homeless Youth

Courtney McKnight, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
Presentation: Perceived Discrimination of Drug Users: The Impact on Healthcare Access

Cyndee Clay, Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive, Washington, DC
Presentation: Bored or Board? New Approaches for Working with Your Board

Cynthia Hoffman, Dayle Rodenborn, Westside Integrated Services, Telecare, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Using Harm Reduction when Working with SMI Populations

Daniel Abrahamson, Drug Policy Alliance, Berkeley, CA
Presentation: Reducing the Harm of Drug Courts

Daniel Robelo, Drug Policy Alliance, Berkeley, CA
Presentation: Healing a Broken System: The Need for a Harm Reduction Approach to Assisting Returning Veterans

Daniel Robelo, Drug Policy Alliance, Berkeley, CA
Presentation:Regulating the International Drug Trade: Reducing the Harms of the Underground Market

Danielle German, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Presentation: Boredom as a Public Health Issue?: Extent of Boredom Among Drug Users, Role of Employment, and Association with HIV Risk

Daria Ocheret, Eurasian Harm Reduction Network, Moscow, Russia
Presentation: Prevention of Opioid Overdose in Russia

David Duncan, Duncan and Associates, Bowling Green, KY
Presentation: The Aging Baby Boom Generation

Debbie McMillan, Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive, Washington, DC
Presentation: Diversion Program

Divine Pryor, NuLeadership Policy Group, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Public Health Agenda Workshop 4: Movement Towards of a Public Health Model for Criminal Justice and Drug Policy Reform

Deon Haywood, Laura McTighe, Women With A Vision and Institute for Community Justice, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: Bringing It Together in the Big Easy: Lessons from the Struggle to End the Criminalization of Sex Work and Rebuild Women's Worlds

Dominick V. Zurlo, New Mexico Department of Health, Santa Fe, NM
Presentation: More Than Just a Statewide Approach to Harm Reduction

Don C. Des Jarlais, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York
Presentation: Racial Disparities in HIV Infection Among Injection Drug Users (IDU's): An International Meta-Analysis

Don C. Des Jarlais, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York
Presentation: Patterns in Transitions From IDU–Concentrated to Heterosexual HIV Epidemics

Doneley Meris, HIV Arts Network, New York, NY
Presentation: Life Detours and Re–Channeling Energies to Address Substance–Relapse Prevention: The Case of Guadalupe

Doneley Meris, HIV Arts Network, New York, NY
Presentation: The Meaning(s) of Sexuality and Intimacy in the Internet Age with HIV–DIscordant Couples

Dore Mann, Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center, New York, NY
Presentation: Use of Activities to Engage Active Drug Users in Search of Teachable Moments

Dylan McClure, Alex Curiel, The RAVEN PRoject, Eureka, CA
Presentation: Youth Outreach in Rural Communities

Eddie Ellis, NuLeadership Policy Group, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Toward a 21st Century Public Health Agenda for Drug Policy

Eddie Ellis, NuLeadership Policy Group, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Evening Networking Meeting on the Toward a 21st Century Public Health Agenda for Drug Policy and Criminal Justice

Elizabeth Saracco, Helping Individual Prostitues Survive, Washington, DC
Presentation: Sex Work One on One: An Overview on Working with Sex Workers

Elton Naswood, Los Angeles AIDS Project, Los Angeles, CA
Presentation: Native Populations: Effective Group Work Strategies

Emalie Huriaux, San Francisco Dept. of Health, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: The Creation of the San Francisco Hepatitis C Task Force: A Community Response to a Local Epidemic

Emalie Huriaux, San Francisco Dept. of Health, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: The Creation of the San Francisco Hepatitis C Task Force: A Community Response to a Local Epidemic

Emalie Huriaux, San Francisco Dept. of Health, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: "Poppers-that's not a drug": Reducing Poppers-related Harm Among Gay Men in San Francisco

Emalie Huriaux, San Francisco Dept. of Health, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Public Health Partnering with Law Enforcement to Support Syringe Access and Overdose Prevention Programs

Emalie Huriaux, San Francisco Dept. of Health, San Francisco, CA
Presentation:Harm Reduction Decade: An Analysis of the San Francisco Harm Reduction Policy 10 Years In

Emily Gibble, Prevention Point, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: The Syringe Clean-up and Outreach to Promote the Environment (S.C.O.P.E.) Project: Disregarded Syringes in Kensington

Enrique R. Pouget, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. New York, NY
Presentation: Estimating the Number of Hispanic Injection Drug Users in Metropolitan Areas

Erica Hoffmann, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Presentation: When Harm Reduction Interventions are the Norm

Erin Bonar, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Presentation: Does the Health Belief Model Apply to Injecting Drug Users Intention to Use Harm Reduction?

Ermin Celestin, Cambridge Cares About AIDS, Cambridge, MA
Presentation: Cultural Implications for Applying Harm Reduction to New Immigrant Populations Living With HIV

Esther Earbin, Valjin Harvel, Brenda Walters, Substance Use Outreach Program, Indianapolis, IN
Presentation: We All Have A Story

Gary Langis, Independent, Lynn, MA
Presentation: Reducing Overdose Related Stigma

Gisela Negrón - Velázquez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, PR
Presentation: Actitudes de Estudiantes Universitarios Sobre Políticas de Drogas

Glenn Backes, Public Policy Research & Consulting, Sacramento, CA
Presentation: If You Can Talk to Sex Workers and Drug Users, You Can Talk to Lawmakers

Glenn Backes, Public Policy Research & Consulting, Sacramento, CA
Presentation: Syringe Access Laws in California

Glenn Backes, Public Policy Research & Consulting, Sacramento, CA
Presentation: What Are Policymakers Worried About?

Grant Smith, Drug Policy Alliance, Washington, DC
Presentation: Speaking Up and Out for Harm Reduction: Advocacy Training for Beginners

Grant Smith, Drug Policy Alliance, Washington, DC
Presentation: Prospects for Congressional Action on the Overdose Crisis

Greg Scott, DePaul University, Chicago, IL
Presentation: “Follow My Hands”: A Multidimensional Geo-Visual Analysis of Injection-Related Risk Behavior Complexity

Greg Scott, DePaul University, Chicago, IL
Presentation: Saving Lives by Countering Shame Campaigns with Practical Approaches to Harm Reduction: The Problems and Prospects of Collaborative Concerns Involving Drug Users and Sex Workers

Gretchen Hildebran, Documentary Filmmaker, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Finding Common Ground: How Media Projects Can Help Transform Law Enforcement's Relationship to Community Harm Reduction Services

Gretchen Hill, Cambridge Cares About AIDS, Cambridge, MA
Presentation: Beyond the Drop–in of Drop–in Centers: One Program's Story of Community Identity Formation and Program Development

Gus Grannan, Independent, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: Public Health vs. Political Health

Heather Lusk, Hawaii Department of Health, Honolulu, Hawaii
Presentation: Homegrown Harm Reduction: Putting on a Local Harm Reduction Conference

Isaac Jackson, San Francisco Drug Users Union, San Francisco, CA
Organizing on Drugs: the Beginning of a Drug Users; Union in San Francisco

J. D. Rosario, Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive, Washington, DC
Presentation: Kinky Harm Reduction 101

Jamee Newland, National Center in HIV Social Research, Sidney, Australia
Presentation: The Interplay of Social Network and Structural Influences on Hepatitis C Harm Reduction in New South Wales, Australia

Jamee Newland, National Center in HIV Social Research, Sidney, Australia
Presentation:Secondary Syringe Exchange: A Pre-existing, Effective and Illegal Model of Sterile Injection Equipment Distribution in New South Wales, Australia

James Tesoriero, New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, Menands, NY
Presentation: Delivering Hepatitis Services at Syringe Exchange Programs: A Focus on Regular Users

Janelle Barbier, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
Presentation: Evaluation of Pilot Syringe Exchange in San Luis Obispo County

Janie Simmons, Social Science Innovations Corporation, New York, NY
Presentation: Development of On–line Buprenorphine Training for Outreach Workers and Case Managers

Janie Simmons, National Development Research Institutes, New York, NY
Presentation: Why are IDU Couples Hard to Treat and What Can We Do About It?

Jasmine Tyler, Drug Policy Alliance, Washington, DC,
Presentation: Criminal Justice Reform is Harm Reduction

Jeff McDowell, Mona Bennett, Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, Atlanta, GA
Presentation: Thinking of Starting a Syringe Exchange in Highly Stigmatic Communities?

Jeff McDowell, Verna Gaines, Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, Atlanta, GA
Presentation: Abstinence vs. Harm Reduction

Jenna Marie Mellor, Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive, Washington, DC
Presentation: Volunteer Power!: Finding, Supporting, and Loving Your Harm Reduction Outreach Volunteers

Jennifer Carroll, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Local Adaptations in Risk Reduction: Lessons From Ukraine on Implementation and Scale–Up

Jennifer Fernandez, Harm Reduction Therapy Center, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Reducing Negative Consequences Associated with Substance Misuse within a Harm Reduction Psychotherapy Model

Jennifer Plummer, Harm Reduction Therapy Center, Oakland, CA
Presentation: You’re Never Too Old To Practice Harm Reduction

Jennifer Janichek, Harborside Health Center, Oakland, CA
Presentation: Beyond the Shadows: Surveys of Medical Cannabis Consumers to Capture Clinical Service Desires

Jill McCracken, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL
Presentation: Connecting with Street Sex Workers: An Analysis of One Program's Outreach Services and Harm Reduction Approaches

Jinho Choi, Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Daejeon, AL
Presentation: The Human Rights Status of AIDS Patients in South Korea

Jo L. Sotheran, Evaluation and Grant Writing Consultant, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Getting to Numbers: Needs Assessment and Evaluation Made Simple

Jo L. Sotheran, Evaluation and Grant Writing Consultant, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Understanding Methadone from a Harm Reductionist Perspective

Jo L. Sotheran, National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Anti–Stigma Work within Drug Treatment: A Project Both by and for Methadone Patients

Joanna Berton Martinez, Cambridge Cares About AIDS, Cambridge, MA
Presentation: Preventing Overdose and Distributing Naloxone Without a Prescription: A Workshop on Massachusetts’ Public Health Approach to Bystander Training

John Gatto, Cambridge Cares About AIDS, Cambridge, MA
Presentation: Creating Harm Reduction Best Practices: Six Guiding Principles

Joseph Ruggiero, Addiction Institute of New York, New York, NY
Presentation: Creating Safety: Discussing Sex, Drug and Alcohol Use, and Identity with Gay and Bisexual Men

John Shevlin, Community Health Action of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY
Presentation: Integrating HIV Prevention Services within Community Re–entry Services

Jon E. Zibbell, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, MA
Presentation: The Racial Geography of Drug–Related Stigma: Needle Exchange, Inner–city Apartheid and the Policy–Effects of White Fear in Springfield, Massachusetts

Jon Paul Hammond, Wende Elizabeth Marshall, Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia, Arch Street Friends, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: Abolish the Drug War

Joy Rucker, Casa Segura, Oakland, CA
Presentation: What's Up with the Condoms?

Juli Powers, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., Atlanta, GA
Presentation: Using Monitoring and Evaluation Data for Program Improvement

Julia Klems, Independent, Berkeley, CA
Presentation: Drug Interactions Between Prescription Drugs and Street Drugs: 2010 Update

Karla Wagner, Peter Davidson, Shoshanna Scholar, Mark Casnova, Ricky Bluthenthal, University of California San Diego, Clean Needles Now!, Homeless Health Care Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Presentation: Gaps in Coverage: Describing the Consequences, of Restrictions to Syringe Distribution in Los Angeles, CA

Kashelle Hoffman, Safer Alternatives thru Networking & Education, Sacramento, CA
Presentation: Stigma of Being a Satellite Syringe Exchanger

Kate Swope, AIDS Action Committee, Boston, MA
Presentation: Telephone–Based Continuing Care

Katherine Boger, Alianza Latina, Inc., Buffalo, NY
Presentation: Through the Eyes of Reality TV: Women, Addiction, and Secrecy

Kathrine Jack, Farah Diaz–Tello, National Advocates for Pregnant Women, New York, NY
Presentation: Using International Human Rights Framework to Advocate for Women Who Are Unable to Overcome a Drug Issue During Pregnancy

Kathy Boudin, Center for Comprehensive Care, New York, NY
Presentation: A Peer-based Program in Prison: The AIDS Counseling and Education Program (ACE)

Kathy Boudin, Nathaniel Evans, Mary Johnson, Center for Comprehensive Care, New York, NY
Presentation: The Coming Home Program Addresses Stigma: Turning Deficits into Expertise and Knowledge

Kathy Day, Kim Hanton, MassCALL2 Gloucester & Revere, Gloucester, MA
Presentation: Sustainable Overdose Prevention Efforts – The Role of a Community Organizer

Katie Kramer, Barry Zack, The Bridging Group, Oakland, CA
Presentation: How Can We Do That? Capacity Building for Agencies Working in Correctional Settings

Kaye White, AIDS Project Hartford, Hartford, CT
Presentation: Maintaining Recovery While on the Battlefield

Kayrine Sandridge, Recovering Addict and Doctoral Candidate at the University of Phoenix, Brokcton, MA
Presentation: Substance Abuse Treatment and Mental Health Services for Women without Children

Kelly Craig, Prevention Point, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: Drug Use and Other Health Outcomes Among Participants in a Buprenorphine Treatment Program for Injection Heroin Users at Prevention Point Philadelphia

Kelly Szott, Syracuse University, Dept. of Sociology, Syracuse, NY
Presentation: Why Are Injection Drug Users Not Getting Health Care?

Kelly Turner, Eric Averette, Kelli Lasseter, Cathy Simpson, Julie Hope, Health Services Center, Inc., Anniston, AL
Presentation: Yes it's possible! Harm reduction in the Deep South!

Kelly Dalzell Gallaugher, Mental Health Association, Redwood, CA
Presentation: You Got Them a Roof, Now Help Them Keep It

Kelly Dalzell Gallaugher, Mental Health Association, Redwood City, CA
Presentation: Considerations for Working with HIV+ Parolees

Ken Vail, Healthy Rhythm Consulting, Somerville, MA
Presentation: SCNEP: November 1989 to June 1991

Kenneth Anderson, The HAMS Harm Reduction Network, New York, NY
Presentation: An Alcohol Harm Reduction Self-Help Manual

Kevin Irwin, Tufts University – Community Health Program, Medford, MA
Presentation: Brain Disease Narratives: The Shifting Taxonomy of Addiction and Implications for Harm Reduction

Kevin Irwin, Heather Edney, Mary Howe, Joy Rucker, Mark Kinzly, Mark Jenkins, Tufts University – Community Health Program, Medford, MA
Presentation: Navigating Recovery in Harm Reduction: Voices from the Field

Kevin Irwin, Ron Crowder, Shilo Murphy, Sang Won Kim, Mary Howe, Brad Lindgren
Presentation: Crack Harm Reduction on the Street

Kim Hutchinson, Kristy Fleming, Kristin Riley, Our House, Portland, OR
Presentation: Residential Living: Community Safety, Reducing Harm and Living Well

Kirsten Rowe, New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, Menands, NY
Presentation: Will Syringe Exchange Program Clients Utilize Viral Hepatitis Services?

KittenINFINITE, St. James Infirmary, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: The Bad Date List: Sex Workers Protecting Themselves and Each Other

Kris FourStar, Fort Peck Tribal Health Department, Poplar, MT
Presentation: Harm Reduction on a Native American Reservation

Kris Nyrop, The Defender Association – Racial Disparity Project, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion: Reducing the Harm of Drug Law Enforcement

Kris Nyrop, The Defender Association – Racial Disparity Project, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Levamisole Contamination in Cocaine

Lara Coffin, People's Harm Reduction Alliance, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Femoral Injection: Trends and Experiences Among Seattle Injectors

Larry David Pasco, Harm Reduction Institute, Indianapolis, IN
Presentation: Real People Urban to Rural: Harm Reduction and Syringe Exchange in the Heartland

Laura McTighe, Institute for Community Justice, Philadelphia, PA
Presentation: The War on Drugs is a War on Relationships: Why Mass Incarceration Fuels HIV Vulnerability, and How Communities Are Fighting Back

Laura Thomas, Drug Policy Alliance, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: 911 Good Samaritan Legislation Coming to a State Near You

Laura Thomas, Drug Policy Alliance, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Making the Case for Supervised Injection Facilities (SIFs) as HIV and Hepatitis Prevention

Lauretta E. Grau, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT
Presentation: The SHERPA Study: Preliminary Findings from a Study of Suburban Injectors in Southwest Connecticut

Leah Wichmann, Eva's Satellite, Toronto, TX
Presentation: Peer Projects in a Harm Reduction Youth Serving Emergency Shelter

Lenneke Keijzer, Apothicom, France
Presentation: Drug Filtration: Importance, Risks and Solutions. The Importance of Drug Filtration and the Use of a Single Use Microfilter the Sterifilter

Leo Beletsky, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT
Presentation: Harm Reduction Interventions and the Police: Towards an Evidence-Based Framework for Preventing, Monitoring and Addressing Barriers to Syringe Access

Libby Guthrie, Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network, Ukiah, CA
Presentation: One Stop Shopping for Care, Prevention and Housing for those with or at–risk for HIV and/or HCV

Libby Guthrie, Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network, Ukiah, CA
Presentation: Harm Reduction: Precepts in Action & the Psychosocial Issues of HIV and/or Hepatitis C

Lillian Fan, Jeffrey Wynnyk, Southern Tier AIDS Program, Johnson City, NY
Presentation: Needles in the Haystack: Peer Delivered Syringe Exchange in Rural Communities

Lisa Campbell Salazar, Chantel Marshall, Walter Cavalieri , Toronto's Research Group on Drug Use, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Presentation: Integrating New Media into Harm Reduction Campaigns

Lisa Moore, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Understanding Where We've Been to Figure Out Where We Are Going: Reducing the Harms of Legitimation

Lisa Moore, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: The Future of Harm Reduction Training and Certification

Lisa Raville, Andrew McClure, Harm Reduction Action Center & Underground Syringe Exchange Denver, Denver, CO
Presentation: The Evolution of Needle Exchange in Colorado

Lori Holleran Steiker, Page Slocum, Daniel Poku, and the Heroes of Tomorrow Club Officers, The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work AND The Heroes of Tomorrow at McNeil High School, Austin, TX
Presentation: The Dialogue: Non–abstinence Based Drug Prevention for and by High School Youth

Lorraine Mary Pirro, Harlem United, New York, NY
Presentation: Mental Health Series 1: To Hell and Back: Exploring Trauma, Resilience, and Recovery

Lorraine Mary Pirro, Harlem United, New York, NY
Presentation: Mental Heath Series Session 2: Dangerous Liaisons With “Tina” Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Lorraine Mary Pirro, Harlem United, New York, NY
Presentation: Mental Health Series Session 3: Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of Them All

Lorraine Mary Pirro, Harlem United, New York, NY
Presentation: Mental Health Series Session 4:'Til Whenever Do We Part: Harm Reduction Couples Counseling

Lorraine Mary Pirro, Harlem United, New York, NY
Presentation: Mental Health Series Session 5: LGBT Friendly Harm Reduction Psychotherapy

Louis Jones, VOCAL-NY Users Union, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Organizing Users in Communities of Color

Luciano Colonna, Columbia University, New York, NY
Group Level Interventions for Stimulant Users (GLISU): Scaling Up Services for Amphetamine Users

Lureen McNeil, New York State–Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, New York, NY
Presentation: Public Health Agenda Workshop 2: Recovery Oriented Systems of Care

Lynn D. Wenger, RTI International, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: Defying the Dominant Paradigm: Motivations for and Maintenance of Low–frequency Heroin Injection

Lynn Frederick, Texas A & M University–Kingsville, Kingsville, TX
Presentation: Harm Reduction in College Student Drinking: Programs That Work

Malika Lamont, Thurston County Public Health and Social Services Department, Olympia, WA
Presentation: My Life's Notice: Putting it all together youth, Media and Harm Reduction

Mark Kinzly,Kevin Irwin, Sue Gallego, Walter Cavalier, Mat Southwell
Presentation: The State of Crack Harm Reduction

Mark Kinzly, Sam MCMaster, Cyndee Clay, Mat Southwell
Presentation: Organizing an Advocacy Agenda for Crack Policy

Marce Abare & Tim Anderson, American Medical Student Association AIDS Advocacy Network, Cleveland, Ohio
Presentation: An Untapped Resource...Engaging and Partnering with Future Physicians

Marion Riedel, Marya Gwadz, Noelle Leonard, Columbia University School of Social Work, New York, NY
Presentation: The ACT2 Project: Using Motivational Interviewing and a Structural Analysis of Racism to Increase Access to ACTs for People of Color

Mark Thompson, Harm Reduction Professionals Group, Minneapolis, MN
Presentation: Harm Reduction and Recovery

Martha Miravete Cicero, Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Presentation: Derecho Humanos en Jovenes

Mary Ellen Cala, New York City Department of Health, AIDS Institute, New York, NY
Presentation: Working with Law Enforcement: Rethinking Social Marketing of Syringe Access

Mary Howe, Homeless Youth Alliance, San Francisco, CA
Presentation: A Culturally Competent Approach to Working with Homeless Drug Using Youth

Mary Murphy, New Mexico Department of Health, Albuquerque, NM
Presentation: 2010 New Mexico Department Of Health Buprenorphine Project Experiences and Outcomes

Marybec Griffin–Tomas, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY
Presentation: A Holistic Recovery Approach: Abstinence–Contingent Housing Programs as a Model of Care for HIV Positive Substance Users

Martin Blakebrough, Kaleidoscope Project, Wales, UK
Presentation: From Rats to Angels, The Creation of a New Identity

Maryse Mitchell-Brody, Sex Worker Outreach Project, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Sex Work Harm Reduction: Beyond Safer Sex

Matt Curtis, Independent, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Building Overdose Prevention and Response Programs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Maureen Oscadal, Hepatitis Education Project, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Reaching the Hard–to–Reach: Leveraging Existing Programs to Offer Free Hepatitis A/B Vaccination to At–Risk Adults in King County

Maxine Phillips,New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY
Presentation: Creating an Educational Lesson Plan to Shape Attitudes and Increase Knowledge for Safer Sharps Disposal Among Injection Drug Users in New York City

Meghan Ralston, Drug Policy Alliance, Los Angeles, CA
Presentation: What We Know, What We Don’t Know: Who are Prescription Opioid Users and What Does the Research Say about Them?

Miriam Vega, Latino Commission on AIDS, New York, NY
Presentation: Capacity Building Needs of Organizations Implementing HIV Prevention Programs Targeting Injection Drug Users

Mona Bennett, Atlanta Harm Reduction Coalition, Atlanta, GA
Presentation: Keep on Sprinkling it Around: Harm Reduction in the South

Muhammad Faheem Khan, RISE, Peshawar, Pakistan
Presentation: Peer Education as a Tool of Prevention Among Youth

Muhammad Hamid, RISE, Peshawar, Pakistan
Presentation: Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among Iinjection Drug Users

Presentation: Update on Pharmaceutical Controlled Substances and Opporunities for Drug User Participation

Naima Cozier, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., Atlanta, GA
Presentation: Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV and Viral Hepatitis Prevention Programs

Naomi Braine, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation: Factors Shaping Implementation of Overdose Prevention in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Programs

Nathan Messer, DanceSafe, Seattle, WA
Presentation: Field Test Kit Detects Levamisole in Cocaine

Nickolas Zaller, Miriam Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island
Presentation: Pharmacist and Pharmacy Staff Experiences with Over the Counter (OTC) Sale of Syringes and Attitudes Toward Providing HIV Prevention Services for Injection Drug Users (IDUs) in Providence, Rhode Island

Onaje Muid, Reality House, Long Island City, NY
Presentation: Public Health Agenda Workshop 3: Cultural Competency, Historical Trauma and Questions of Race

Oscar Montenegro, Red Argentina de Usuarios de Drogas y Activistas, Rosario, Argentina
Presentation: Encuentro de Usuarios de Drogas y Activistas Latinos sobre Creación y Fortalecimiento de Redes

Pablo Cymerman, Intercambios Civil Associación, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Presentation: Raising Awareness on Drug Policy and HIV.
